In December 2003 the Danny Russell family left their life-long home in Port Lavaca and moved to the COUNTRY! Everyone was sure we had “flipped our lids” until they saw our beautiful home on the Lavaca River near Edna, Texas. Along with that home came beautiful oaks and green pastures that screamed for livestock. Our sense of Texas pride naturally led us to the Texas Longhorn. The first of the herd arrived in the form of a surprise gift in 2005 with others coming fast behind. Our story is nearly identical to many others we have read; in less than two years we were looking for more land so we can have more longhorns! We are proud of the animals we have chosen for our foundation stock;we are proud of our accomplishments in the industry. Although we have a small herd, we have two Hall of Fame Females-- HL Shadows Sand Plum in 2011 and CR Unstopabull Chex Appeal in 2012. CR Hijo Wow bull was a two time bronze winner at the 2012 and 2013 Horn Showcase events , AI certified and semen is available. Wow's son, CR Gawjus Jawge had quite a show career as you can read about in HORNS ; Kacie Ging won with him at AUTOBAHN. Jawge's offspring have had success in futurities which we have come to enjoy. We will continue to add great genetics to our herd with the help of Jawge and CR Rio B Express. We sold Rio B last year to the Maceys, but we had him AI certified before the sale, so it is
kind of like he is still in the pasture.
People have asked how we came up with the name Cactus Rose. The name comes from a line in an old western that compared the color of a woman’s cheeks to a cactus rose. Who would have guessed then that the line from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance would help us name our very own longhorn herd nearly 40 years later. We were considering the notion of Cactus Rose when we found a prickly pear in full bloom growing in the fork of an oak tree on our place. After that discovery, we were certain - Cactus Rose Longhorns was born! You will always find registered Texas Longhorn heifers, bulls, and steers for sale on the Cactus Rose Longhorn Sale Pen page.
This last year we chose to downsize as we were running two separate herds, made some very tough choices, and kept the animals we thought we could best continue with. Visit our website often and watch as the Cactus Rose produces more gorgeous animals.
Danny & Merrilou Russell
Breeders of Quality Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle